Bonus Episode 2 - Review of Final Fantasy VII Remake with Scott Clarke from the Gaming Outsider Podcast

This week Scott Clark from the Gaming Outsider Podcast joins us once again to discuss Final Fantasy VII Remake. While this is not an adventure game it does have a strong focus on narrative and there is an Easy setting so people who don’t usually play RPGs or games with combat can still play this for the story. Scott tells us how he very nearly didn’t get the chance to play the original version, why he loves the original so much, what the remake does right to appeal to modern day gamers and what adventure game players can get out of the game.

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Episode 64 - Reviews of Cloudpunk, Summit of the Wolf and Delores: A Timbleweed Park Mini Adventure

This week Seoirse, Laura and Tomas get together (virtually) to review the latest games they have played including Late Shift, Summit of the Wolf, Cloudpunk and a new game from the legendary Ron Gilbert, Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-adventure. Plus we discuss puzzles in older adventure games compared to new adventure games and we discuss how Tomas probably breaks a record for most games in a library.

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Bonus Episode – Interview with Chris Ainsley of Adventuron

In this bonus episode Chris Ainsley joins Seoirse to talk about his text adventure creator for kids and beginners Adventuron. In this interview talks how people can create their own text adventure even if they have never made one or don’t have much experience with code. He also talks about some of the games he has created using Adventuron and he discusses the Adventurejams where people can make their own text adventures on a specific topic using the software and what the future holds for Adventuron. Finally he talks about the future of Adventuron and we also have time to discuss what Chris believes to be the differences between Text Adventures and Interactive Fiction. All that and much more!

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Episode 63 - Interview with James Dearden

This week, James Dearden joins Seoirse to celebrate the 5 year anniversary of the release of Technobabylon, one of the most higly acclaimed adventure games of recent times. He also has some interesting anecdotes about his slightly irregular start in games development and he also finds the time to give us an update on progress of Technobabylon 2 and what we can expect from the sequel.

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Episode 62 - Hands On Preview of Beyond a Steel Sky and Reviews of The Last of Us, A Plague Tale: Innocence, The Procession to Calvary and The Flower Collectors

This week Seoirse is joined once again by Tomas Becks from The Gaming Outsider and Laura Cress from Adveturegamers as we go back in time to Post Franco Spain, the dark ages and the renaissance. Then as if real life wasn't post-apocalyptic enough we review what many consider to be one of the best narrative games of all time and Laura then gives us a hands on preview of one of the most eagerly anticipated adventure games this year! Plus the latest news and much more!

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Episode 61 -Interview with Gamechuck

This week Gamechuck join Seoirse to discuss their unique first of a kind story-driven roleplaying adventure set in the Animal Kingdom on the verge of both industrial and social revolution. Find out why this is the first game from Croatia co-funded with the support of European Union's Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme. They delve into the gameplay mechanics and what exactly makes this game so unique, we learn about some of the characters and how hiring a composer early on in development has helped create exactly the music they want. Finally they reveal why they are using open source software and how they hope this can help other developers and much more!

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Episode 60 - Interview with Peter of Xoron GMBH

Zombie aliens have taken over the world! And it’s up to an ordinary guy to save the world. Peter from Xorom GMBH joins Seoirse this week to discuss how he came up with this fascinating premise and he also talks about his inspirations for the game as well as how he created his own engine for the game plus much more!

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Seoirse DunbarComment
Episode 59 - Interview with Developers of Over The Alps Stave Studios

This week Stave Studio join Seoirse to give top secret intel on their spy thriller, Over the Alps. Sam, Josh and Harry talk inspirations, how Jon Ingold got involved and what changed with his involvement, they discuss the story and how they were able to get the game translated into different languages. Finally they talk about what updates they include for the Steam release on March 31.

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Episode 58 - Reviews of The Complex, Nick Bounty, Lair of the Clockwork God and Beautiful Desolation

This week Seoirse, Tomas and Laura discuss an FMV game straight from the headlines about two people in quarantine and on lockdown to try and prevent the outbreak of a virus in London. Then they talk about a protagonist who desperately wants to be taken seriously. Then when they finish talking about Seoirse they review Nick Bounty and the Dame with the Blue Chewed Shoe. Next Laura talks about a platformer/adventure game hybrid and finally Seoirse and Tomas take a virtual vacation to post-apocalyptic South Africa. Plus the latest news and adventure games announced so please enjoy!

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Episode 57 - Interview with Former Telltale Lead Designer Mark Darin

This week, former Telltale Lead designer Mark Darin joins Seoirse to discuss his time at Telltale including what it was like to work with Ron Gilbert on Tales of Monkey Island, how Jurassic Park would go on to inspire the development of The Walking Dead and how he came up with the story for the creepiest episode of The Walking Dead. He also talks alittle about how what exactly happened when Telltale went out of business and how Skybound came to rescue the Walking Dead: The Final Season. Finally he also talks about his new comedy detective game Nick Bounty and The Dame with the Blue Chewed Shoe.

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Episode 56 – Reviews of Disco Elysium, The Cult Marduk’s Longest Night, Murder by Numbers, Mission It’s Complicated and Tick Tock a Tale for Two

This week, our three intrepid heroes bravely come out of self-isolation to discuss what games they would suggest playing when self-isolating. Later Tomas and Laura discuss Disco Elysium again while Seoirse becomes an assassin for a demonic, satanic cult. Laura also finds time to use nonograms to resolve a murder and Tomas and Seoirse talk clocks in a co-op adventure game which they reveal why they believe it is the perfect game to play together when social distancing.

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Episode 55 - Interview with Developers of Beautiful Desolation Chris and Nicolas Bishoff

“The Coen brothers of adventure games” Chris and Nicolas Bishoff join Seoirse this week to talk about their latest game Beautiful Desolation. In this interview they talk about inspirations for the story, how they created some of the characters in the game and how they used real world events for their game plus much more! They also discuss South African accents and what they really think of Leo Di Caprio’s attempt at a south African accent and they have a really interesting story about South African comedian Trevor Noah.

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Seoirse DunbarComment
Bonus Episode - PaxEast 2020 Adventure Games Panel

A few weeks ago, some of the top adventure game developers got together at Pax East in Boston and discussed the future of adventure games. They also spoke about what makes their own games unique, how they make interesting puzzles and what they believe a great adventure game should include. So sit back and enjoy this special bonus episode panel discuss what next for adventure games.

Credit to Dan Policar for the audio and thanks to Roberta Vaughan for sending the audio file.

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Seoirse DunbarComment
Episode 54 – Reviews of Ring of Fire and Alpha Polaris and is Myst really any good?

This week on possibly the bleakest episode yet Seoirse, Laura and Tomas review a demo of upcoming detective game set in a dystopian future Ring of Fire and Lovecraftian horror/suspense game set in Greenland Alpha Polaris. They also discuss the cancellation of E3 due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak and if that’s not bleak enough they discuss the bleakest, saddest, most miserable games released. In slightly more positive news they also discuss whether Myst is really a classic or is it actually any good? All that and much more!

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Episode 53- Interview with Alexander Preymak

This week Russian translator of games such as Thimbleweed Park and Broken Sword 5 Alexander Preymak joins Seoirse and Laura to talk about what it takes to translate games. He talks about he got started translating games, what developers should do to help the translators and what he has learned in his 6 years translating some of the biggest adventure games of the last few years plus much more!

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Seoirse DunbarComment
Episode 52 - Interview with Julia Minamata

This week Seoirse is joined by Julia Minamata, developer of the upcoming text-parser game The Crimson Diamond. In this interview, Julia explains why it is important to show a demo at events and conferences, she discusses the art style she is using for her game and she tells some incredible stories about how reality met fiction when she was doing research for her game and much more.

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Episode 51 - Reviews of Eliza, The Blind Prophet, Luna The Shadow Dust and Thimbleweed Park

This week Seoirse, Laura and Tomas team up to investigate a murder and some very strange goings on in the small town of Thimbleweed Park. Elsewhere Laura reviews the visual novel Eliza and the one of the big releases of the year Luna The Shadow Dust while Tomas discusses The Blind Prophet, the game which he calls “The Witcher meets Supernatural”. Elsewhere they discuss the latest news and retrospective article on a classic adventure game.

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Seoirse DunbarComment
Episode 50 – Valentine’s Day Special Interview with Al Lowe

On this very special Valentine’s day who better than to speak to the creator of the most lovable, charming and sexy adventure game protagonist of all time, Larry Laffer? I am of course talking about Al Lowe, who regaled me with fascinating anecdotes about how he first started at Sierra, how ET would change Al Lowe’s career at Sierra and plenty of stories about Leisure suit Larry as well as why they didn’t make any more remakes after Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded and many more stories! Enjoy!

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Episode 49 – Reviews of Edna & Harvey The Breakout - Anniversary Edition, Disco Elysium and Life is Strange Season 1

Seoirse, Laura and Tomas return from an unscheduled break as they recovered from jet lag and illness and this week they break out of an asylum, try to not become the worst detective in the world and go back in time to try to prevent catastrophe in a small town in Oregon. Another typical week for the Adventure Games Podcast then….

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